Thanks, Tatler, for spotlighting DELIVERED.'s groundbreaking work in Bali's Nuanu. This vibrant creative city integrates art, technology, and nature through interactive installations that redefine experiential design. DELIVERED. has crafted these installations to transform Nuanu into a dynamic space for exploration and inspiration.
Among the highlights is the Aurora media park, featuring eight immersive pieces that blend cutting-edge technology with natural elements, inviting visitors into a seamless fusion of art and environment. Another standout is DELIVERED.'s collaboration with artist Daniel Popper on his Earth Sentinels sculpture, where AI-enhanced art infuses life into each intricate detail, making the piece a powerful expression of connection between humanity and nature.
Through their work in Nuanu, DELIVERED. brings a forward-thinking vision to life, establishing this Bali destination as a must-visit for art and technology enthusiasts. Each installation reflects a commitment to sustainability and innovation, capturing the essence of a creative city that bridges the worlds of art, tech, and eco-consciousness.